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Monday, April 25, 2011

Aircraft with children: your suggestions

If it is to travel with your children on holiday, you should prepare for the trip? If you are traveling by plane, I bet you hope that they will behave and not throw a tantrum at the airport and the angels know that I'm perfect. Here are some tips to make traveling easier, happier and less stressful. Some of them are from the Transportation Security Administration (TSA).

• Allow enough time to get through security when traveling with small childrenespecially during the busy holiday season.

check with your airline for their recommendation for check-in to the airport of departure.

• Talk with your children and tell them what they can expect during the screening process. Let them know that is against the law to make threats like: "I have a bomb in the bag. "The threats jokingly (even by a child) can delay the whole family and could result in fines.

• Tell your children that their bags (backpack, dolls,etc.) will be taken in the X-ray machine and is at the other end and will be returned.

• You can check if it is a private screening if you are traveling with more than one child.

• All carry-on baggage, including children-go bags and items required for the X-ray machine Examples: diaper bags, blankets and toys.

• All baby equipment that pass through the X-ray machine must go through the X-ray machine ExamplesBaby carriages, umbrella strollers, baby carriers, car seats and infant, backpacks and baby slings: include.

• When you arrive at the check point collapse, or bend the equipment for children. secure items in the bags, baskets, or on the equipment and tape X-ray inspection. plastic containers are provided to store such items.

• If the equipment does not fit baby through the X-ray machine, security officers and visuallyphysically inspected.

• Ask a security officer for help, collecting baggage and equipment related to children, if you need it.

• If your child is old enough, pass them through to you separately. If you bring your child and is heard through the metal detector alarm, the Safety officer you will have to screen you and your child.

Everyone, including infants must be monitored. However, this does not mean leaving the baby in the seat and sendingthrough the X-ray machine

• Remove babies and children from their strollers or infant carrier to Security officers can screen individually.

• Do not let the child may not to another person behind you or in front of you during this process.

• Give your child not to hold the head of security.

• The safety officer may ask for your help screening your child.

If the child is big enough to carry their own backpack,Pack full of activities you enjoy doing, electronic games, headphones, activity books that they wish to use coloring books and pencils, etc. They also have a supply of healthy snacks and popular favorite comfort foods. After leaving the safety of their water bottles filled with water from wells or purchasing water and fruit juices. Water is especially important when flying to keep the body hydrated.

By planning ahead, talking to children about what is expected whenArrival at the airport, where the family activities and food for their people while waiting for the flight and the plan will probably be happier children, and has a pleasant travel experience. Happy holidays

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