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Saturday, July 09, 2011

Losing weight after baby: When can I exercise?

baby sling

Have you had your baby. It is lying on that hospital bed dreaming of exercise, right? Probably not. Exercise can be as a joke for the first few weeks after the birth of a child seems to be. But if it's the right time to exercise is one of your best allies for the weight loss to be.

So when is the right time to start exercising and lose weight during pregnancy? How many weeks after the birth, you must wait until the dust off your gym or exercise DVD?

1Immediately after delivery, you can Kegel exercises. As long as you allow your doctor, you can start Kegel exercises, when did you feel about it. Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles accelerates the recovery time.

2 Once you are comfortable, start running. Walk as much as possible without feeling tired. Light upper and lower body exercises can be started after delivery. You should not feel any pain exercise. The exercise should make you feel better.

3 Wait 6-8 weeks for regular exercise. If you had a cesarean or a vaginal birth, it is normal to get your exercise routine six weeks after birth. You may have to wait longer if you had complications during pregnancy or delivery request, extra care. Your doctor will give you the thumbs up on the training plan right for you. Choose exercises that you can enjoy and maintain a regular basis.

4 Exercise with baby. Stroller Walks andjogging. Carry baby in a sling while walking or hiking. Put baby on the floor next to you while you do push-ups, abdominal and strength training.

5 Do not overdo it. Call your doctor if severe or chronic pain, increased vaginal bleeding, weakness, nausea, or have difficulty breathing.

How to allow sufficient rest, enjoy the many benefits of exercise after birth and in the coming years!

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