Babies from 13-15 months are developing their physical skills and abilities rapidly. They are learning to use their hands, eyes, legs and feet. The baby at this stage of development is also learning to interact and respond to people. She is learning to walk as well as learning to understand language. She will learn the meanings of many words without being able to say the words herself. The baby aged 13-15 months develops the skills to walk, feed her self, and play. What an interesting age!
At 13 months a baby should be able to say a few words. He should be able to stand well and be starting to walk. He should be able to bend over and pick up items. Some 13-month olds will be able to say more than 2-3 words. They may be able to walk with help or by themselves. They may also be able to drink alone from a cup without help. Some babies at this age even like to color or scribble with crayons. A few 13- month- olds will be able to respond to commands from others without using gestures. Though the 13- month- old doesn't say many words, he can understand many words.
The 14- month- old baby should be standing steadily. She should be able to walk with help, and should be able to take a few steps without help. The 14-month-old can take toys out of a container, and is also able to put a few of the toys back into the container. She can eat finger foods and feed herself. She is learning many words, and is able to communicate using both words and gestures.
Some 14-month-olds will be able to play games. They can point to body parts and roll a ball. By the time a baby is ending their 14th month of life, they may be toddling around the house quite well. playing with your baby is a wonderful way to develop his coordination skills, develop his language abilities, and build a bond between parent and child that will last for a lifetime.
During the baby's 15th month of life, more language skills will develop. your baby will be able to say about 5 words. One way to enhance these language skills is to read to your baby. She should have the attention span to look at a book with you while you read to her at this point. Your 15-month-old is not only walking fairly well at this stage but is learning to climb stairs as well as other objects. Her personality is developing, and she will laugh at things that she thinks are funny. Some babies will be able run as well as walk at this age. A few babies will be able to sing little songs that you teach them. And, for better or for worse, your baby may be able to say "no" as well as shake her head. Hopefully, separation anxiety will begin to lessen at this age, because your baby will be able to remember you and the other important people in her life better.
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