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For the first few months, only feeding the baby needs formula is found in breast milk o. Most studies indicate that the introduction of other foods, from the fourth month, the increase in allergies, the chances of child development. But studies also show that the six months to live, baby, probably ready for something more than milk or formula. Just when you start the baby food is up to you and your child's readiness. Regardless of when food is placed,Formula or breast milk is their main food until at least one year.
Introduction to food for children is more for the food tastes and textures of the child to learn by heart. The addition of rice cereal, the child's diet can help you feel fuller and better sleep through the night. Some parents do not feed baby food and baby food to table start. To begin solid foods for children should be able to keep his head sitting in hiswith or without aid, food, take a spoon and a chewing motion.
You should introduce one new food per week. This allows you time to see if your child will have adverse reactions to food. And 'the introduction of food several times before giving up and deciding the child does not eat. season non-baby food, especially sugar or salt. Never diet for a bottle of milk if there is a medical reason, children should be fed with a spoonthe beginning.
Start with rice mixed with breast milk or formula. Only a few bites the first few nights requested. grain rice is easily digestible and baby's diet adds bulk. Other cereals, rice or cereal mixed with fruit, cereals can be felt after the laughter, the child is used.
Always introduce vegetables before fruit. The fruits are very sweet and children will be introduced to them first often refuse to eat vegetables. Carrots and pumpkin are goodTo start the vegetables because they are sweeter than other vegetables. But for the same reason are not produced fruit, green vegetables should be introduced soon, so that kids eat fresh vegetables.
Once the child eats fruits and vegetables can be added. Do not give citrus fruits child at this point, as they often cause allergic reactions. Fruit juice is not a substitute for fruit juice should only be administered in the form of a cup, never the 'Bottle.
If you choose your own baby food should be ingested easily mashed into a soft texture. When buying baby foods be sure to read labels and avoid foods with additives, there are many organic baby food available. Do not expose your child peanut butter, grapes or other foods that are choking hazards, but you should have a baby honey. It 's fun for the child and for you, so enjoy.
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