One of the first symptoms of autism is the inability to establish a child, has a bad behavior, poor communication skills, and in some casesable to communicate at all. The most common symptoms of autism are:
Slow development, where appropriate, from basic skills
• Avoid eye contact
• engages in repetitive movements such as rocking or hand slings
• does not respond or ignores it
• Panic with a change in routine
• Remove when you try to keep it
• hyperactivity, constantly on the move
• blind to the feelings ofmore
• Extremely sensitive to sounds, touch and light
• seems distant and withdrawn
There are different degrees of autism and two children are exactly the same symptoms. Some children have improved over time, lead to a productive life, while others carry the disease in adulthood.
One of the worst experiences of their parents face with a child with autism takes her son out of the house. Even a trip to grandma's house can be atraumatic experience. Special toys and favorite foods contribute substantially to relieve their anxiety or distracted when they lose the edge of control or cause a scene.
The parents of an autistic child faces formidable challenges. Although there are several treatment options available for autism, experts disagree widely on the most effective. The basic treatment involves a combination of therapies and training courses. Because there is a great mixDegrees of autism vary widely, the treatment options.
Autism affects about 2 million people in the United States at a price of over three million € per person for a lifetime. Parents of autistic children from large indirect costs each year, which could run into thousands. It 'been said that autism is a silent epidemic because of the significant increase in cases of autism each year. The cause of autism is still unknown.
Some children were able to show significantSymptoms of autism at an early age, but grow out of it and go to a normal, healthy lives to lead. Each family doctor is possible for an expert in autism, however, it is the first Big should consult a doctor.
The symptoms are different for each child from mild to severe, hence the broader term, autistic spectrum disorder (ASD). The two forms are lighter Asperger syndrome and pervasive developmental disorder, and otherwise specified (PDD-NOS). Brett's syndrome is a strongCousin. Although it affects people of all ethnic and social origin, autism is more common among male people. Male person should be four times more frequently affected by this disease. The National Institute of Mental Health, says that about 3.4 per 1,000 children the disease.
Early diagnosis and accurate is required to start a good plan of action to improve the long-term effect. Parents should be aware of child care doctor or health care professional shouldnotice that their child late in the developmental milestone. The National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) recommend evaluation for autism for every child who has to deal with the following developments:
• No babbling or cooing of age 1
• Not a gesture, a nod or tip of age 1
• Do not speak a single word, at the age of 16 months
• No two-word phrase about the age of two years
• The experience of loss of speech or language disordersall ages.
Of course, a brief individual assessment can not accurately predict the child for medical reasons. It often requires a team of various medical specialists to evaluate the child. All tests may include skills speech, language, communication and thinking, motor skills and social interaction skills. Sometimes medical tests to rule out other causes of the child's symptoms.
Once that has been correctly diagnosed, can work a team of medical specialistsdesign a set for individual programmers are tailored to specific needs of the child. Structured, behavioral based programs tailored to the interests of the child has shown some promise. Most of the behavior therapy program are as follows:
• Clear instructions for the child
• Children encouraged to perform specific behaviors
• praise and immediate reward for a behavior support
• communication skills to interact with other