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Friday, September 09, 2011

Bonding with baby

baby sling

Most parents bond instantly with their babies, an intense feeling that you want to preserve and protect and make love to them. For some parents this may take a little 'more, particularly if there has been a difficult pregnancy or birth.

Research shows that children develop, creating relationships with their parents to grow up in safe, well-adjusted adults and even tend to perform better in school.

Bonding is a natural process, but there are many ways to help, Especially if the focus is to provide an environment conducive to answer.

Breastfeeding - a breastfed baby receives regular close contact with the mother helps develop a bond early. Unfortunately, this is not always easy, so tell your health visitor if you need help or support.

Touch - the first communication of a child is through touch, so keep your baby close, cradle her in your arms or use a sling when you are on with the needHousework.

Massage - a more structured method of touching the child and a way to promote physical and mental growth and the parent / child bond.

Sing - no matter how tone deaf you may think, your child loves to hear your voice. The rhythmic nature of nursery rhymes is very soothing and is believed to help with the development of language.

Things - although he can not understand what you say, the child feels love for youtalk about what you do, if you are changing the diaper, peel the potatoes or folding the laundry. You gain confidence from the fact that you are always near and always focused on them, even if the housework must be done.

Pull a face - even very young children are fascinated by facial expressions.

Regular activities - such as changing the time can be a wonderful time to show your child how much you love them. Talk to her, kissAbdomen, say how nice for what he has dimples, how much you love her smile. This is your spirit, what a messy job is to take and show that you love her no matter what happens.

Slowing -. Life is always faster, but slow and steady is best for your child, stop and spend time with your baby, relax and enjoy, you love your child no matter what.

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