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Saturday, September 17, 2011

Raising a child on the flight

baby sling

Have you ever read the reports about the cost of raising a child?

The last time I checked, I was told it would cost the astronomical sum of $ 430,470 to raise my baby ... and that does not include tuition fees!

People who are not eligible to be very creative with these numbers. Some of the best things you can do for your child are free or very cheap. Here are some tips for raising children on the cheap.

1) Breastfeeding

You can nearly $ 1,000cost of formula in the first year of the child with breastfeeding.

This figure does not include the additional costs that would be due to doctor visits and medications. Breastfed children are less likely to need medical care, not sick, fed as often as their formula peers.

Artificial feeding increases the risk of a child of acute and chronic health problems, not only in childhood but also into adulthood. If you work for a mother and proper care, it is lesslikely to work if you forget to infant formula.

In addition, a breastfed baby can go directly from the breast, a shell that is open, pacifiers, bottles and sippy cups.

Even baby food is not necessary. Healthier food for children before they are fresh fork mashed avocado, bananas, sweet potatoes and the like. If you are breastfeeding, it could be the introduction of solids until as late as 8 or 9 months of delay.

2) Use a clothDiapers

All I can say ... I give cloth a chance!

The modern cloth diapers are not like their grandmother. Most high-tech materials that wick moisture mugZ2V0IGF3YXk=#">away from the child and use Velcro closures, or made ​​to close instead of pins.

It saves a lot of money especially if it saves them and again for all the other children. You can buy them cheaply at thrift stores, online auctions, and diaper services (check your phone book for listings). Or askCloth diapers as gifts shower.

3) Rethink your needs

think about what you really need to increase your child. A large part of the expensive items sold in stores for children are completely unnecessary, and some are even harmful. Most people who have children on the planet today do so without cribs, walkers (which Pediatricians advise against it anyway!), Box, changing table, swings, "educational" toys, etc.

many mothers have found that a soft cloth or baby carrierSling was the only gadget they are really necessary. Baby is happy, stimulated by your activities and entertainment. And Mom can get stuff done!

The best toys are simple and classic and require imagination. These are often the least expensive too! And most children do better with some toys that are rotated. think back to your childhood ... What were your favorite games? If you do not remember, probably were not strong, flashy electronic battery-powered devices. Your bestMemories of childhood, probably from a business ... plays in the garden of his grandmother, Going Places with mom and dad, the simple things.

For the baby stuff just can not live without ...

4) Buy used or obtained,

Friends let you know that you welcome hand-me-downs and you will be blessed with all kinds of great things!

High-quality equipment and clothing for children in general does not use to wear only one child. For safety reasons, make sure that the items were notremember and use is provided by the manufacturer sites. (The only exception would be child safety. Always buy new.)

shopping at thrift stores and consignment and online auctions. Some of the best deals are found at regional commissioning. Check local parents' magazines and websites for these positions.

Personally I prefer used clothing because most new clothes has been treated with flame retardants and other chemicals that can be scaryChildren absorb more supple skin.

As a frugal parent minimizes environmental impact, save money and models a healthy lifestyle for your children. Teach your children what really matters in life ... People, not things!

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