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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Colic Relief - Three Natural Ways to Help Your Baby Relax

Image : http://www.flickr.com

The stress of caring for a colicky infant cannot be underestimated. While there are no definitive answers for what causes it, getting reliable colic relief is the goal of every concerned caregiver. There are many potential remedies available, although there is no medication available for the crying itself. Below are three natural ways to help your baby to relax, which in turn can help soothe and prevent excessive crying and colic-like symptoms.

Baby Massage - The stiff posture of colicky infants can cause muscle soreness and exhaustion, which in turn, can lead to additional fussiness and crying. Parents can find colic relief in baby massage, either through a professional masseuse who specializes in infant massage, or through the use of self-help books which teach parents simple techniques for baby massage. The massaging action can provide long-term benefits, including a baby who is more relaxed and better able to handle the stresses that can contribute to colic.
Warm Water Therapy - Some infants experience significant amounts of gas, which can prove quite painful, and thus lead to fussy behavior. By placing your baby in warm water for an extended period of time, you may be able to help your baby's gassiness, and provide colic relief over the long term. If periodic warm water baths are not feasible, similar effects can be obtained by placing a warm towel across your baby's belly after feedings, to help with the elimination of gas.
Baby Wearing - If you have the time, and are comfortable with the concept, baby wearing can provide significant benefits in terms of a calmer, less colicky baby. Putting your baby in a sling allows him or her to feel warm, secure, and connected with you, which can lead to measurably less crying. You may even find that wearing your baby in a sling during a colicky episode will help to reduce the duration of the crying and provide colic relief.

Because are several potential remedies for colic, and you should choose those that fit best with your household. Be open-minded and willing to try various solutions - what works for one baby may not work for yours, but that doesn't mean you should give up. Patience and persistence often pay off when it comes to finding long-term colic relief for babies.

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