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Understanding baby crying can help parents and caregivers to make the baby stop from doing so and to brig relief to their needs. Babies have their stages too, each stage is equally important in understanding the baby cries. Crying is the baby's language. It is pretty much the only way an infant can express feelings like discomfort, hunger, exhaustion and loneliness. As the baby grows it will learn to communicate in other means like facial expressions and body language. But while babies could only talk in this way, parents should give enough attention to understanding the infant cries.
Newborn's cries differ from those older baby cries. Some babies are easy to console while others simply scream for most of the time. One should understand why babies cry, it is never easy to start understanding your crying baby. But just like any relationship you learn to build one with your baby and eventually you'll get to distinguish each cry.
Several studies have been conducted in reference to infant crying, most of these in hopes to alleviate trouble both for the parents and the child. Through time most caregivers and parents thought the crying is either due to gastrointestinal pain or the baby is upset, as always full studies support that this is not always the case. It has been proven that crying is an integral part of infant growth and only 10% of these spells are actually caused by "colic" or a term coined by doctors for unexplained crying. Crying is the first form of communication of the babies. They usually cry because they need you to look what might be wrong with them. A crying infant is usually a sign to elicit care from the parents or caregivers.
Caregivers and parents that build relationship with the babies are able to distinguish each cry. Mothers, especially due to the nurturing nature, become the expert in understanding each cry in a way that no one else can. In some other research child development professionals have concluded that certain types of cries mean certain things. In other words babies don't cry the same exact way every time. Babies cry in different pitches depending upon their distress. Like high-pitched cries are associated with sharp pain.