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Monday, July 19, 2010

Kombucha - Add a Healthy Fizz to Your Life

Image : http://www.flickr.com

Kombucha, or "kombucha tea" as it's sometimes called, is a powerful probiotic beverage you're sure to love. You can purchase kombucha in many health food or whole foods stores, or you can grow your own "culture" at home.

Kombucha is a fermented product much like traditional sourdough bread. It has a culture or "mother" - also called a "scoby." Scoby stands for "symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeasts." These terms are interchangeable. Kombucha is cultured much like probiotic yogurts, and it's a probiotic itself.

It's possible to grow it at home with a little effort. The benefits of culturing your own kombucha include cost - the bottled kind can get expensive - and the endless supply you get for your initial work. That's right, like a sourdough "mother" your little scoby will keep on giving you more and more kombucha.

Why is kombucha such a good thing? The research is still coming in, but thus far benefits shown are very similar to those of fermented milk products (like yogurt and kefir). It's been beneficial to individuals suffering from issues like eczema, arthritis, allergies, and chronic fatigue. Kombucha, like other fermented products, is especially good for people suffering from digestive and bowel issues. Kombucha can be used externally as a hair wash or for skin issues.

Kombucha is a traditional drink believed to have originated in China and has been enjoyed there for thousands of years. Other cultures also adopted and used kombucha, including Russia, Japan, and possibly African cultures. It's also believed to have had a place in European cultures before losing popularity in the twentieth century. Some popularity was restored when doctors in Germany began using it for its health properties.

Tradition states that it was called "The Tea of Immortality" and it was thought to hold mystery, power, and a bit of magic. It was thought to lengthen the lifespan of people, help reduce the appearance of veins in old age, speed healing, increase blood circulation.

Kombucha is made by fermenting tea and sugar together with the kombucha scoby. The living organisms in the scoby feed on the sugar, and on the alcohols made during the fermentation process. The resulting kombucha has a pleasant taste that changes slightly based on the tea you use. It can be called slightly sour. Some compare it to apple cider or champagne in flavor.

The best part of kombucha is the fizz. It has an amazing fizz that puts soda pop to shame. In fact, kombucha is a refreshing, healthy alternative to sugar and corn-syrup filled sodas. Be very careful when you're opening a bottle of kombucha because it's quite possible for it to fizz up and out!

If you'd like to buy kombucha look for trusted brand's like GT Dave's. If you want to try making your own you can find recipes within cookbooks like Nourishing Traditions and you can order kombucha cultures, or scoby-s online from a number of different sources. Kombucha is a delicious, probiotic drink you'll love adding to your kitchen!

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