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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

As baby slings and carriers Originated

baby sling

In every tribe and culture, where babies are born, nature has some basic responsibilities to traditional care and efficient bring-up of children placed on the mothers. Such responsibility apparent, may, in pursuance of a baby from infancy to be seen until early childhood.

In various parts of the world, the different types of child transportation of material is available in different shapes and forms in order to achievean important goal, the implementation of the new baby is born and in intimate contact between the mother (or father, as the case may be) and the child.

One of the ways in which this is achieved is to invest in and with a sling or baby carrier as some call them. From the beginning, Africa, at the end of the Asian countries have developed different types of baby carriers have both traditional and modern.

A typicalWest African mother would put her child on her back and wrap him / her with a piece of wrapper (cloth) supports and then with another, to support the knot around the waist, the child falls. If the child is sleeping, she throws the wrapper around his neck his / her territory, to support the head hanging down.

In most Asian countries, the most ancient type of baby carrier in a similar way, become one of the most popularBelts child in today's market. This is known as Mei Tai. Mei Tai was mainly Chinese women to wear their babies and toddlers, at home and at work. It 'was in a way that the noose could be worn either front or rear developed.

In Korea, mothers traditionally used what Podegi wrap their children. Closely associated with its Western-style women, are wrapped and stitched Podegis mother's chest with strapswound on the bottom of the child so the child to the safe return of her mother.

Ombihumo is the name for the type of design used in the packaging of children in japan. This special design allows the mother to the child's entire body in a pouch of cloth, so that the child rests entirely on the mother's back.

In Europe, America and indeed around the world have many different versions of the car seat carryingthe same function of baby-wear, perhaps in many different styles. The environmental conditions have led innovation in the design of the pouch. Amauti For example, is a kind of pouch, which is animal skin and wool for children from adverse weather conditions, that is, to protect from the cold and snow ..

Today things have changed and harnesses for children and carriers are simple adjustments that every culture normally used to carry somethingdifficult. Reflecting beauty, elegance and design, any type of new slings or carriers for the preferences of every modern woman. More than ever, the fact that the certified harnesses modern and durable for child's comfort and safety.

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