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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Five Trends Baby Gear

baby sling

What follows is a look at five trends in baby gear. The trends change every year, but the only thing is to change that children need a lot of stuff.

Chairs: It used to be that children needed a bouncer chair, a chair and that was it. Today, there are a Bumbo chair for children aged 3-6 months has been designed. The result is very much in shape and contours of a child to support them. There are more elaborate inflatable chairs,and chairs that grow with the child. But in addition, that one of the big trends is sling chairs. Instead of a sling that you can wear your baby sits in, is a loop that goes around in a chair and support your children so that they do not matter where you are, as long as you can sit around a chair.

Organic Cotton Clothing: One of the things required in the new child is to go organic. Organic cotton is the trend. They are is better for children's skin, and of course good for the environment, and so we can all organic producers who sell to children, from jackets and leggings, find crib sheets and mattress pads.

Systems stroller in motion a trend this year is that the baby stroller systems. Strollers are basically a stroller and a car seat that go hand in hand and can snap the car seat or stop the stroller so that you can push yourChild> around the mall or on a walk, but nice and cozy in his car seat carrier. These conversion systems sometimes, or are modified to customize them if your child gets older, adapting to their changing needs. We sit and stand strollers, etc. In addition, there are systems that adapt to trolley boys all colors and designs for your needs and desires are.

More natural colors: in 2007, the big trend in color was pink or blue baby geardepending on the sex of the child. Today, the trend has shifted from pink and blue and bright primary colors and earth and is now more neutral. The natural colors like green, brown and yellow are the new thing for all the equipment a child. Child seats are often neutral with earth tones. Cribs are often combined with light green, brown or brown with pink, turquoise, green, etc. The more natural the color and the more mature the color paletteis more trendy.

Belts: Why your baby with you wherever you go, there is always a baby-gear trend that has to do with the transportation of the child. For a long time the trend has been a child bijorn backpacks, but this year the "Sling" is a popular baby carrier of choice. The reason? It 'easy to carry with you to create simple (in contrast to the many straps and buckles of a child's hand bag), and is washable. InIn addition, many women have found that the nurse while wearing it, and adjust it as necessary, or your child. It can be worn in different ways, so if your child is sleeping cot when they are awake, you can wear as a backpack more -style.

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