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Saturday, May 07, 2011

Baby carriers and slings | Cool 7 ways to build the parent / child bond

baby sling

The mother comes from 9 months to a projection by the child in it. Baby is used by nature to the rhythm of her unique heartbeat, movement and scent. But what about Dad? Here are 7 ways cold and easy to jump start the baby-daddy bond.

1. Use Baby Slings

Children are the familiar scent, heartbeat and movement of his mother reassured him. carrier allows your child to learn the heartbeat, scent and movement, allowing you to have your hands free. This means thatYou can take your child while you are walking the dog, go shopping at the supermarket, rake the lawn and walk your daily life. Your child will soon learn your scent and feel, and your child quickly calmed and comforted by your presence.

2. Use your voice

Children respond very well to her father's voice, especially when he sings. The deeper tones and a slower pace are the voice of a man to calm a child. Do not worry if your singing voiceis not on par with The Three Tenors', children are notoriously easy critical lullabies, ballads, rock songs and favorite no matter how well you sing, or even what you sing as long as the tone .. soft and comfortable.

3. Do not Be Shy

Mothers have a natural instinct for parents, fathers are often reluctant for fear of coming between mother and baby step. Involved with in there, you deprive yourself and your child for a longan important opportunity to bond, and you could feel his wife who are not enthusiastic about the new baby. Offer to take the baby if you go walk the dog or go to the store. Again, a sling things easier for both. Do not be afraid of making mistakes - your baby will let you know when you do something wrong. As you become more familiar with each other, learn to recognize what the child wants and needs. It is not so concerned about making a mistakeyour child to the mother at the first sign of distress or crying of your hand. Learn how to comfort a child is in itself an important part of the association.

4. Make Your Own Rituals

Note that the birth and adaptation to a new baby is a very stressful and emotional for the mother. You may feel exhausted, overwhelmed and a bit 'scared, and needs lots of love, support and help with the child. So do not be offended if your wife must beDifficulty making time with the child seems to bully or as the child should be treated. working with her, respect her instincts and wisdom, patience and calm and how to adapt your wife and son back to your new family structure.

It may seem that your baby to spend more time with their mothers, especially if he or she is still very young. This is natural, so do not feel insulted or offended. It takes a little 'time for the child to adapt toanother person while he or she was with her mother's lap in the family. Just as the child is familiar with the mother's heartbeat, the smell and the rhythm, you can use your child for the heartbeat, the smell and the rhythm with the use of baby carriers.

5. Ask the children: "Daddy Time"

Although it is nice to spend time with mom and baby together, it is also a good idea, time alone with your child. Volunteers watch as your wife takes the childdeserved nap or walk with the aid of harnesses in baby while the mother unpacked outside the home.

6. Feed the baby

One of the primary instincts of a baby is to take comfort from the person, the food supply that sustains life. Traditionally, this is the mother, who is one of the reasons why the bond between father and son have taken more time to build.

If your child takes the bottle (or integrated with pumped breast milk), Volunteerssome of the power stroke. Late-night feedings are a great way for father and son to bind when the world is quiet and no one is around - while leaving the mother to get some sleep 'need so much.

If the baby is exclusively breastfed, it is difficult for fathers to participate in the feeding process. A good way to get to this is for the child after a good feed when the baby is warm and rich take. Your child begins to associate rapidly withgood feelings. You can burp the baby to sleep walk to the child or let him or her suck on his little finger - all in your sling.

The sling is the diet easier for you and as an added bonus that the kids fall asleep while feeding must not be woken up later. You can back to your normal activities as you go or you can slip the noose over his shoulder and put baby to sleep.

7. working with your wife

It 'importanta relationship with the child of his own ideas, not only as a reflection of how his wife has interacted with the child. Create your own games and rituals is a good way to do this. Rocking the baby out with dance and music, play your favorite songs and silly together are all ways to get you and your child know each other better.

Jew Kuipers is the mother of two children and the owner of the mother's milk, a baby carrier company. She lost the babyWeight with the help of their pouches. Jew living in Florida with her sons Jaxon and Savannah College and his girlfriend and business partner.

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