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Sunday, May 22, 2011

A Baby Travel Packing List for the layman

baby sling

The first question after reading the title is: Why would a child travel packing list. Why not just pack up a week of stuff for kids?

The answer is simply that it is difficult to anticipate everything you need for traveling with a child. Will probably not need the extra material will be more packaging, but if you need it, you fear the idea of ​​going without him.

Baby Travel Packing List Part One: The Obvious Stuff

Okay, youprobably too many diapers, formula, baby food, pacifiers, a few changes of clothes, and so on, should not? Pack all that stuff, but pack a half to two times as much as you think you need.

Do everything you need to make your child comfortable and handsets to make the journey. Definitely take the seat and your favorite baby sling, and a stroller that is compact and easily broken.

And do notskimp on diapers. Pack plenty of towels, as they are great for cleaning and washing hands sticky. A small bottle of hand sanitizer is required to prove useful.

We want to make sure that you are very snacks for your children, as well as some protein-based snack for you. I always stow a first bag of nuts in his pocket. Sometimes, when I was too busy to eat, that's exactly what I am going with me next time I need to sit down for a minute. Nuts,cashews, pecans, and are ideal. Trail mix for this.

A note on the formula and traveling by plane: From the time of writing, do not allow people to bring airports for more than three grams of a liquid on a plane in hand luggage. You can make an exception for baby food, but do not rely on them. It 'best to take powdered milk and mix with hot water on board. The flight attendant should be prepared to provide bottled water and warm for you.

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