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Monday, May 16, 2011

long-distance travel with children

baby sling

Heading overseas on a family vacation can be an exciting experience for children of all ages.

Before the trip, parents should make sure they are able to manage the health system to the needs of children, especially when heading to a developing country.

Airport security officials have for each video, regardless of age (including babies) before they can pass through security.

I do not ask anything that will separate yourChild or children.

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) officers are specially trained and understand your concern for your children. They will approach the children gently and treat them with respect. If your child is uncomfortable or upset, security officers will ask about the best way to relieve your child's care.

children ever baby carrier as it passes through the X-ray machine

* All hand luggageLuggage, including children go bags and items to be provided in the X-ray machine Examples: diaper bags, blankets and toys.

* All equipment for children who pass through the X-ray machine must go through the X-ray machine Examples include: strollers, umbrella strollers, baby carriers, car and child car seats, backpacks and baby slings.

* If you are collapsing checkpoint, or you set up the equipment a child. Secure tag,bags, baskets, or the connected device and the verification of x-ray belt. plastic containers are provided to store such items.

* If the child equipment not covered by X-ray machine, fit, security officers will visually inspect and physically.

* Ask a security officer to help you collect your luggage and equipment related to children, if you need it.

If the child can go without your help, we recommendYou and your child go through the metal detector separately. If you bring your child through the metal detector and the alarm sounds, the head of security, in addition to screen for both you and your child.

* Remove babies and children from their strollers or infant carriers so that security managers can screen individually.

* You can not pass the child to another person behind you or in front of you during this process.

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