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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Quiet! I'm on the phone!

baby sling

One of the easiest ways to get into telecommuting, is a work phone to get. These jobs details are more readily available than other telecommuting and usually pay pretty well.
When you start working the phone from home, the children keep quiet a bit 'challenging. There's a fine line between keeping the child quiet and choked the fun, children should each day. Here are some age appropriate ideas that can be done to ensure that at least someTelephone quiet time every day.
For children:
1. Keep them busy with some little stuffed animals that make noise or not. Dolls and stuffed animals are a good choice. You can also use the stackable plastic boxes for rings. I found a soft, fabric covered box with a set of 4 finger puppets. The box has several holes and a mirror on one side. My little boy spent hours in animals and bringing them again.
2. carry your baby in a sling. You can breastfeed while you workcan take a nap in the lap of her mother. Get her used to the noise of everyday life at home by day and take them out of the hospital. Do not keep it all quiet in the house. The child is used to get to hear your voice and will sleep well when you talk on the phone ... In fact, they will find comfort in it.
3. Work while the baby naps. Test your child gets into a good sleep schedule for you and your work. Do something to that truthquickly - as a favorite stuffed animal - they must get up early while on the phone.
4. Work if someone else can see the baby. You can work a few hours while her husband is at home. Ask a family member if they would be willing to see the baby for a few hours a week. You can also trade babysitting with a friend or neighbor. Do you see a child for a few hours a week if they do the same for you.
For children:
1. Get your kids on a schedule and sleepingWork while you sleep. Do not let them sleep late in the afternoon, or is it difficult to get off into the night.
2. Work, while a husband or boyfriend at home, or ask a family if they were willing to place their children for a few hours to observe the day. You can also search for a mother is off the morning program in your area. Your child will learn to play with other children at work. Trading babysitting or arrange play dates and even work.
3. Give your kids a special gameto play. Many board games work well, or if you have another computer, you can gather a few years the appropriate software. The key is something that is not to make much noise and find their attention to keep for a while '. Be sure to use a game where too often, or your child on board quickly.
4. Use headphones noise-depressants. If you get your children out loud from time to time - and I believe them - the headset is to cancel most of the noise. It is worththe small investment. Make sure you invest in a good quality headset though.
5. Work in short intervals, while the children are nearby. Children can be good and quiet for so long. Be sure to take frequent breaks to play with them. A tickling session, they begin to play the field, play hide and go looking for a few minutes. And some children are simply building to get rid of energy.
6. Show them that you hear when you ask them they need quiet. You will learnin order to meet your needs some time to work. Make sure you do something interesting and little attention is paid while not working. This should work until you ask them to sit still for hours at a time. Just be strong and be tough when they want to be strong while you work.
Remember that children are children. Keep your sense of humor. It is not the end of the world if you get out of a phone call or apology to take a fight fora child that suits your needs. Your children will be aloud from time to time. Do your best to keep it quiet, but not at the expense of stressing yourself out or expecting too much from your children.

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