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Sunday, October 31, 2010

The children develop and maintain a game plan

Image : http://www.flickr.com

Does it matter?

If you are pregnant with their first child, dream and plan for the day you bring him out of the hospital, thinking of the lazy morning feeding, diapers, putting it for a nap, maybe even nap or collected "me time." All this sounds wonderful in theory, and then the day comes. You're exhausted, wearing dirty clothes, and fighting with your spouse over who drank more tired and the last of the diaper pail.

YouNever despair that things go back to "normal", whatever that means. They are not: they have a "normal" again now, and it takes a while 'to figure out a routine that your child needs you are satisfied and keep the family relatively healthy. If you add more children, the mixture, they tend to plan fall into place with the family, but if you have four and a child, or there is always an adjustment period when the child returns home after. What is the value that is a calendar? Or is routinemore important?

Create a schedule and then allow the flexibility

Almost everything you read on child rearing suggests the value of choosing a bedtime and stick to it, scheduling daily "tummy time" for the child and take a nap sacred. There's good reason: The children live routine, and are safe and comfortable if they know what to expect.

The reality is that children and parents - if they remain out of work, home, work from home, or at homeFull time - are people, and many factors can affect the best laid plans to keep a schedule.

If you try to feed your baby on a schedule, you can have your baby and you set up for frustration. If you are breastfeeding, you will be uncomfortable, and may reduce the production of milk, if you can not eat when the child is ready. Follow your pediatrician guidelines to ensure that you wake the baby to feed, and make sure he winssufficient weight, however. Delaying power in an attempt to do this on a program, but may mean fussy, angry, child, and a small, angry.

First, children seem to sleep all the time, time to eat fairly often, not the children sleeping. Will soon begin to create their own rhythm, and you'll know when he needs a nap. Be prepared for the unexpected, however, your child may take a few hours of sleep a night, then wake up the next.

YouWork in time for social interaction, play and discovery. This is not the time to be a limit, but allows time when your child speaks only to show him new things, and read to him. Since children do not read the parenting literature, the first child will dictate when this program, but to do things start to fall forecast in a certain measure of how your child needs less frequent feedings and naps.

A balance

Especially if you have a newborn and aInfants are difficult to plan family activities as often interfere with the creation of order. If you have a young child nutrition, the game takes time to build a chair to sit and where you can breastfeed your baby while your child plays with his feet. Bring the baby in a sling so your hands can be free time for the child while the baby naps, nurses, and get "cuddle" with mom or dad. Keep both or all children on the same PNAHours Sleep is a dream come true for parents, and sometimes it works - so you have a much needed break. Try a routine of quiet time and books to read or nap, and your baby down to learn the information for settlement. Let your older children, based on his feeling of being a "big kid" who knows the ropes.

Be positive!

If you allow a deviation from a set schedule, you will find your parents' lives much easier. CertainlyLet chaos is not the day, but keep in mind that if today has not developed the program, you can always do something else tomorrow. Aim for a calendar, but focus on routine and your baby will finally play in a more or less predictable rhythm of eating, sleeping, ed.

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