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Saturday, October 16, 2010

Losing Pregnancy Weight - Easy Ways to Lose Baby Fat

Image : http://www.flickr.com

After 9 months is bound to lose the pounds of weight, the pregnancy seems an impossible task, but it's easier than you think, back in shape. It can be hard to imagine how you go to a new weight loss regime with the hectic life of a new measure mother, but if you spill even drop the pounds post-pregnancy and then read these tips on how to lose weight easily fit into your life.

Drink 2.5 liters of water a day


Hydrates are
Stop snacking through full
Your skin and hair look great

How does it fit

Drink a glass of fresh lemon with breakfast
Drink a glass before each meal - stop overeating
Always have a bottle near the training
Fill a 2.5-liter bottle at the beginning of the day and make sure you drink before bed

Eat more fruits andVegetables


Ensures a regular supply of vitamins and nutrients
Calorie - the basis of it, instead of snacking on fatty foods
Packed with fiber, so that the digestive system works
Reduces the risk of developing life-threatening diseases

How they fit in

Have a fruit smoothie for breakfast to start nutritious low-calorie per day
Do you have a portion of vegetables with every meal
Keep fruit and carrot / celery for a healthy snack
Make a day "vegetarian" once a week

Be active


It keeps your heart and healthy lungs healthy and weakened muscles
more muscle mass means a higher metabolism to burn more fat in order to
It makes the skin more great
It reduces stress, anxiety and depression
makes you more energy, so it is easier to maintain pressureMaternity

How does it fit

walk instead of driving or off the bus a few stops early
Take the stairs when
Take a 30 minute walk every day with your child in a stroller or a sling
When the child reaches 12 weeks of age to take him or her swim
Try a yoga video at home, so you can relax and get back in shape

There are many ways to start losing weight, pregnancy and now with a little 'of creativity that can fit ineven the busiest lifestyle.

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