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Sunday, January 02, 2011

4 The advantages of using a pouch sling

Image : http://www.flickr.com

Babywearing and the use of a sling to carry a baby for years in the vicinity has become a popular practice in the Western world in the past. As a way to transport children, is not something for something new, but has been used for a very long time. E 'became popular because it has so many advantages. Here are just 4 of them.

1. It promotes physical development.

When a mother is in a sling baby carriers, they are at According to the rhythm of the breath of the mother, her warmth, the sound of her heartbeat and movement. This helps the baby regulate her own physical reactions around the world and helps balance. swings and hammocks for children do not offer the same benefits, because of the human heart beat, heat, breathing rate that a child needs to feel safe not to, cared for and loved.

2. Infants, as the safety of a sling

Despite> Sling baby will be longer, the carrier also benefit from using a. A sling for some children may be tired of going to a safe haven or a tantrum and when I want to cuddle with her mother / father. The cycle can only afford a safety and not as if he were a child and this can be important for the growth of a child's trust.

3. Harnesses ensure the security and confidence for both caregiver and child

Instead,be separated by a stroller, sling provides extra security in a hard cruel world. There is no risk of losing a child in a crowd or in any way be relieved, because the child in front of you, brought to you from the danger zone.

4. Builds a better relationship between caregiver and child

A baby in a stroller is not in constant contact with your supervisor. Instead, it is generally separate and crying is the only thing that brings bothtogether again. With a sling you are in constant contact with the child. If you have a problem that is right there in front of you so that you know and not to scream or cry to get your attention. It is possible his constant attention, while the city.

Carry your baby, giving you the ability to record and learn to stimulate baby needs you. This is an important part of being a parent and being self-conscious.

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