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Sunday, January 23, 2011

6 Reasons Your Baby Can't Sleep

Sleeping can be a big issue for parents and babies. We want them to have a restful nights sleep and enough sleep so that we can catch up on it ourselves. However in those first few weeks it is almost impossible to get the sleep you want because you are learning about your new bundle of joy and trying to pick up cues of what your baby needs from you. Below are the top 6 reasons why babies can't or find it difficult to sleep.

1. Baby needs to be changed - Newborn babies really want to be clean and dry and hate being wet and uncomfortable. It is only when time and time again they don't get changed quickly enough or that they have to wait in a soiled diaper, that they get used to it. This is why many parents try to practise elimination communication and be in tune with their baby's habits. So with this in mind, it is no wonder why a baby can't sleep. You wouldn't like it either if you were stuck in a dirty diaper! This is probably the first thing anyone would check for too.

2. Baby is hungry - Of course it can be very difficult to sleep if you are hungry, this is no different for a baby. Newborns will eat every 2 hours or more if they need it, it takes time for them to develop a good sucking motion to be able to draw out more milk from the breast in less time and it also takes time for their tummies to expand and be able to hold more. Making sure your baby is well fed before sleeping is a good idea and for nights feeds you may want to keep the environment dark still and as quite as possible. Having baby in bed with your or right next to your bed will help prevent your baby fully waken up if they need something for you as you will wake to their little muffles. This will ensure that they get back to sleep straight away and also will make sure your sleep is disturbed less too.

3. Baby is too hot - Babies aren't very good at regulating their temperature and rely on you to do that for them. It can also be very easy for them to overheat. Make sure they don't have too many layers. It may also be worth getting a thermometer for the room they sleep in to make sure it isn't overheated.

4. Baby is too cold - Babies need more layers than us to make sure they don't get cold and maintain a good temperature. If it's fairly cold you may even want to swaddle them for extra comfort and security.

5. Baby is over stimulated - All babies are different. Some babies can get to sleep well by looking up at moving mobiles while others need a quiet dark place. I got my son used to noises by letting him sleep on me around family and people during the day. This seemed to help him sleep in any situation. Toddlers can be worse than babies in that they keep themselves awake by distraction and exploring things. The best thing you can do is to create a calming environment an hour before bedtime to get them settle and ready.

6. Baby is teething - Teething isn't something we automatically think of at first because we don't really expect our newborn to being having issues! I remember one time when my son (he was 2 months old) was experiencing teething problems but I didn't work it out until he was pretty much over it! I tried everything to soothe him and then as he started to settle I for some reason decided to rub his gums - it soothed him and his last muffles ended. Parenting is definitely a learning curve.

These are 6 things that could be preventing your baby from sleeping but sometimes there really isn't a reason. All you can do is accept the situation and be at peace with it - this is best for your baby and you. Sometimes babies just like to cry.

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