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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Twelve Essential Items to Buy Before Baby Arrives

Image : http://www.flickr.com

One of the most damning of the preparation for the arrival of a new baby is the seemingly endless list of things that you should buy. Of course, getting the nursery ready is very funny. But if the list of things to buy minutes seems to grow more, to prepare the child can make parents feel a bit more organized 'out of control, especially in rough Financial times, when people try to tag my avoiding unnecessary.

This list ofTwelve essential baby items will help focus the important, what really is. These items must be there before the child returns home after, or in the case of a car seat - the first child leaves the hospital. You can buy a lot of progress this list, and I would not dream Baby you steal from the wonderfully creative process of buying new furniture is that your child is a beautiful and welcoming place for your thumbs But here, I would like to focus onEssentials.

1. car seat. It will not be possible for the hospital without leave, this should be the first item in the list. For information on the car seat at the American Academy of Pediatrics Car Safety Guide For Parents.

2. Cot. When choosing a crib, make sure it meets the latest safety standards and, above all, that is 8.3 more than 2 inches between the slats.

3. Mattress and mattress. Choose a mattress that has good support and backtoo soft. Press the mattress at the ends and means, make sure it is secure. It 's a good idea to protect the mattress with a waterproof mattress pad.

fourth bed for children and baby blanket. You need a minimum of 2 fitted crib sheets and two blankets.

5. Bowls. The wardrobe should include six basic cotton baby body. Buy only two sizes 0-3 months, and four or five in size 3-6 months. Your baby will probably grow from the smallest size afterfirst month. Get body with long sleeves if it's winter, and those with short sleeves, even if it's summer. You also need to cover six pairs of cotton pants with elastic waist, six pairs of cotton socks, three will guard against a sweater and a hat, and at least 12 Burp Cloths your clothes (an old T-shirt is fine).

6. Diapers and packing supplies. You probably need about 70 diapers a week for the first six weeks, then 50 per week, and dry alcohol-free perfume, a Diaper rash ointment, diaper pail and a dirty diaper.

7. Baden supplies. A bathtub baby is fine, but not absolutely necessary. We used the sink, when our children were very small. They need baby soap, tearless shampoo, wipes and towels, and nail scissors rounded toes.

8. Diaper bag. A large, well-equipped diaper bag is not a luxury: it is a necessity. It 'good to be ready so that you can only access when you leave the house with>baby. A well-stocked diaper bag should include a few diapers, wipes, a diaper rash ointment, a towel or pad for diaper changes, a few ziploc bags for soiled diapers and dirty clothes, a change of clothes for baby, bottles and formula if you're bottle-feeding, and Baby Tylenol.

9. A baby carrier or sling is great because it keeps your baby close to you while freeing your book.com" title="hand">hands. I found that my babies were a lot happier during the first few months in a baby carrier. Later on they learned to like the stroller - but not before the age of nine months. Of course, each baby is different.

10. A stroller. Choose a model that's lightweight yet stable and can be folded easily. I see lots of fancy strollers out there that may be all the rage fashion-wise, but to me they look heavy and impractical.

11. Feeding supplies. If you're breastfeeding, you should buy a breast pump and a couple of bottles in case you need to be away from your baby for a few hours; if you're bottle-feeding, you'll need 12 bottles, bottle nipples and covers, and baby formula.

12. Basic medical supplies. thermometer - a digital thermometer that you can place under your baby's armpit is easy to use; Baby Tylenol; rubbing alcohol to wipe around base of umbilical cord; infant sunscreen for babies over 6 months. You will also need a bulb syringe nasal aspirator to suction excess mucus from baby's nose (this is just as fun as it sounds!), but you typically get that at the hospital.

Obviously, there are many more items that are not essential but are nice to have, such as a baby monitor, a baby swing, and a rocking chair. This list is a great way to make sure you have all the essentials. Once you have those, you can add from the "nice to have" items as your budget allows.

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